There is a large collection of Hawaiian corals, reef fish, green turtles, and stingrays at the Maui Ocean center. There are many beautifully designed aquariums in this center and one of the highlights is the glass tunnel which passes through a ray and shark tank which allows the visitors to witness the beautiful life in the ocean. There are other displays like the life cycle of the humpback whales. These whales migrate to Hawaii from the months of December to March and there are also exhibits that show how the original settlers, the Polynesians utilized the sea of Hawaii. There are many original pieces of art displayed at the center and there is a store located on the ground floor that sells original artworks which are of exceptional quality.
Things to do in Maui
Maui is more than just beautiful waters and sandy beaches. There are a lot of things to do on this island which will make your trip memorable. From delicious food to shopping for art and crafts there are a lot of activities to indulge in.

Goats on surfboards
The town of Kula is not on the coast of Maui, so they have brought in the coast for the goats. There is a surfing goat dairy here where visitors can feed the goats, milk them or simply watch them while they saunter around in their surfboard decorated pens. Make sure to sample the MAcGoat nut cheese which has a memorable flavor.
Traveling the road to Hana
Kaanapali is the tourism hub of Maui and is on the east coast while Hana is 77 miles away on the west coast. There are around 600 switchbacks, 46 single-lane bridges, and innumerable waterfalls on this road. The complete drive takes a good three hours and some people become ill halfway there.

Natural dinner
You can hit an organic food stand and enjoy an outdoor dinner. Pizza can actually be sourced from the soil of Maui. There are also the neon green smoothies which taste as good as they look.
Classic Maui Dinner
There is the ocean to plate meal which is a specialty of Maui. You should definitely try the Sashimi Napoleon at the Hali’imaile General store. It is completely casual while it is also messy and not to mention very delicious. The dish is a blend of island fresh sashimi grade tuna with Asian Flavors. Read more at